Brooke Erin Duffy, Ph.D., is a social media researcher, author, and associate professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University.
Duffy’s research explores the role of social media in work, employment, and society. She is the author or co-author of three books, including (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love: Gender and Aspirational Labor in the Social Media Economy (Yale University Press, 2017/2022), which Wired named as one of the "Top Tech Books of 2017." Her most recent book, Platforms and Cultural Production (Polity, 2021) with Thomas Poell and David Nieborg, has been translated into Italian and Chinese. Duffy’s current book project, “The Visibility Bind: Creators and the Perils of Platform Labor” (under contract, University of Chicago Press) draws upon interviews with social media influencers, creators, and streamers to explore the promises, perils, and paradoxes of work in the creator economy. You can learn about what Duffy calls “the visibility bind” here.
Duffy’s work has been published in such journals as Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, the International Journal of Communication, Critical Studies in Media Communication, the International Journal of Cultural Studies, Social Media + Society, and Information, Communication, and Society. In addition to her academic publications, she has disseminated her research to a broader audience through popular writing in The Atlantic, Vox, Salon, Business Insider, Wired, and Quartz, among others. In 2024, she joined Forbes as a regulator contributor.
At Cornell, Duffy holds appointments in the Graduate Fields of Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Media Studies. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Gender and Media, New Media & Society, Cultural Production in the Digital Age, Media Theory, Advertising & Society, and Qualitative Methods of Communication Research. In 2024, she taught a new graduate seminar on “Platforms, Power, and Precarity in the Creator Economy.”
Duffy completed her Ph.D. at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania in 2011. She holds an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and B.A. from The Pennsylvania State University, where she was the student marshal for the College of Communications. Duffy serves on the board for the American Influencer Council and is a member of the Content Creator Scholar Network.
Recent Publications
For the latest information about my research, please visit my Google Scholar profile
Poell, T., Duffy, B. E., B. Nieborg, D., Mutsvairo, B., Tse, T., Arriagada, A., de Kloet, J. & Sun, P. (2024). Global perspectives on platforms and cultural production. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 13678779241292736.
Duffy, B.E., Ononye, A., & Sawey, M. (2024). The politics of vulnerability in the influencer economy. European Journal of Cultural Studies Link PDF
Duffy, B. E., & Meisner, C. (2023). Platform governance at the margins: Social media creators’ experiences with algorithmic (in)visibility. Media, Culture & Society. PDF
Duffy, B. E., Miltner, K. M., & Wahlstedt, A. (2022). Policing “fake” femininity: Authenticity, accountability, and influencer anti-fandom. New Media & Society, 24(7), 1657–1676. PDF
Duffy, B. E. & Sawey, M. (2022). In/visibility in social media work: The hidden labor behind the brands. Media and Communication, 10 (1), 77-87. Link (Open Access)
Duffy, B. E., Pinch, A., Sannon, S., & Sawey, M. (2021). The nested precarities of creative labor on social media. Social Media + Society. April-June 2021: 1–12. Link (Open Access)
Duffy, B. E. (2020). Algorithmic precarity in cultural work (invited essay). Communication and the Public, 5 (3-4): 103-107. PDF
Duffy, B. E. (2020). Social Media Influencers. In The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication (eds K. Ross, I. Bachmann, V. Cardo, S. Moorti and M. Scarcelli). PDFF